Getting Ready to Start Virtual Classes?

Virtual school is not exactly a new concept. Many schools, universities, and companies use online courses, classes, or training sessions to teach and train learners remotely. It’s an excellent way to connect learners and educators who may not be in the same immediate area and extend resources to those who may not otherwise be able to take advantage of them. 

These days, many are opting for online classes with virtual instructors instead of traditional options. Most notably, transitioning to virtual classrooms allows us to keep social distancing measures in place and protect teachers, students, and their family members. Some learners find that virtual school environments can be more comfortable and even allow them more flexibility to attend. 

Regardless if you are starting in virtual University classes, such as enrolling in a self-paced remote learning course or joining an online bootcamp or certificate program, the first step towards a successful experience is to prepare yourself accordingly. 

Set Yourself Up for Success

Preparing yourself before a big event like your first day of school, work, or even a first date is a great way to help calm any nerves, boost your confidence, and ensure you don’t forget anything important. 

Virtual training opportunities are becoming more and more popular for all types of learners from grade school to continuing education. For some adult learners and college-level students, it may have been a long time since they were last in a classroom setting. Take some extra steps to ensure you are prepared and ready, so you feel more comfortable when that first day rolls around.

Here are some great tips and tricks to help you get started with a virtual learning program or bootcamp. 

Step 1: Ensure Your Equipment is Up to Date

To attend virtual classes or an online bootcamp program, you will need a secure internet connection, an up-to-date computer, and access to applications or software, such as an internet browser or email. Ideally, before you start your program, one of the first steps you should take is to take a quick moment to test all your devices and make sure your software and operating system are up-to-date.

To ensure there are no issues, check on your equipment and regularly perform software and operating system updates. These often include necessary security patches and upgrades that can ensure that everything runs smoothly, and you won’t encounter any interruptions while working. 

Step 2: Come Prepared Every Day

Once you’ve verified your computer, software, and equipment are all up-to-date and running well, your next step is to prepare your workspace to mimic the classroom environment. Whether it is virtual or online, you should still be sure to purchase some notebooks, pens, highlighters, or other study tools and office supplies to ensure you have everything you need. This can help you transition into “school time” more efficiently, and some learners find that they retain knowledge better when they write it down. Plus, keeping notes can help you organize your thoughts and store important info in an easily accessible place!

Having all your supplies is just the first step. Being prepared means that you are coming to class with a clear mindset, focused, and ready to work. While some days might be better than others, taking some time to ensure you are in a positive headspace can help you be more productive and engaged. Practice some mindfulness or set a straightforward routine to follow to get ready for your online classroom environment. 

Step 3: Dress Accordingly

When many of us think online learning, we picture ourselves lounging around in our PJs, doing classwork. While this might seem appealing to some, it can be counterproductive to your success! Your comfort is of utmost importance, but looking polished and professional, especially in adult learning, continuing education courses, and bootcamp programs, can make a positive impression on your teachers and other students. 

Plus, dressing for success can help you set the mood and give you some time to get into the right mindset for learning! Looking disheveled might also cause you to feel frazzled or messy, which could lead to a challenging classroom session. If you’re having trouble picking a work-from-home outfit, consider something comfortable, yet flattering! And don’t forget to wear a complete outfit – that means matching your bottoms to your tops (no PJ bottoms and slippers with a blazer!). 

Preparing for Different Kinds of Online Classes

What you’ll need for your virtual learning experience may vary slightly depending on your learning style, but most students find that these helpful tips are a great place to start. Of course, some might offer more resources than others, so it’s essential to do some research and ensure you are signing up for the right class, course, or bootcamp program for you! 

The Loyola University Digital Skills Bootcamps offer courses for cybersecurity and software development. These are available in virtual classroom settings led by industry leaders and real professionals in the fields. To learn more about our programs and how you can get started with no experience, contact us today to schedule a one-on-one with an admissions advisor! 

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