Women in Tech Panel 2021

What started as a march for improved labor laws and the right to vote, sparked a movement towards international change. The efforts of a few created a generational impact that women today benefit from, giving a sense of what women can achieve when we all work together towards a common goal.
While Women’s History Month is an opportunity to reflect on the obstacles women have overcome since that first march in 1908, Loyola University wants to acknowledge the women in tech who are using their voice and their influence to make an impact in this male-dominated field.
Why Women in Tech Matter
The days of the suffrage movement feel far behind us but there is still work to be done to improve the representation of women, especially women of color, in tech. According to anitab.org, Black, Latinx, and Native American women hold less than 5% of technology positions combined. The numbers decrease when we’re looking at leadership roles.
Diversity is a breeding ground for innovation, allowing men and women of all backgrounds to use their experiences and perspectives to drive innovation, solve complex issues, and remain competitive in today’s fast-paced world.
Celebrating Women in Tech
Our first-ever Women in Tech panel will feature panelists from Tissue Tech, Inc, Instacart, and InspiHER Tech, with Lisa Franklin, Head of Digital Marketing at HackerU, as moderator.
Their collective expertise in technology, from media buying to connecting women to tech jobs, grants them a unique collection of experiences which they will share during our live, virtual event. Meet our panelists below.
Darrah Joy Clay – Brand Partnerships Director at Instacart

“Several studies show that collaborating with different genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and races in tech lead to increased innovation and enhanced problem-solving. The same studies show that gender diversity leads to improved profitability and workplace satisfaction and retention. Gender diversity is simply good for business!”
Jamie Co – Digital Marketing Director at Tissue Tech, Inc.

“I began my career in a multinational pharmaceutical branding agency, working with Fortune 500 companies such as Pfizer and GSK. More than 14 years later, I have built my expertise in various fields of digital marketing including pay-per-click advertising, social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization. It’s important to have women in tech because women are major users of tech products. We would be doing our companies and industries a disservice if we don’t step up and let our voices be heard.”
Laurie Swanson – Founder of InspiHER Tech

“First, I was a coder. I began my career as a computer programmer before moving into Technology Recruiting and Technology Sales, In 1995, I founded Laso Corporation, a boutique Information technology search firm. Laso later evolved into InspiHER Tech to bring equal pay and opportunities to women while removing biases that get in the way of fostering an inclusive IT team.”
Join Us
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